Sunday, June 2, 2013

Such a H.A.T.E.R: Highly Against the Empowering Role

Scrolling through social networks can be very enlightening! If you look carefully, the people who use social networks (Instagram, facebook and twitter etc. ) fall into a few categories. You have the encouragers, missionaries, partiers, fashionistas, photographers, food lovers, boo lovers and haters! These categories are not set in stone and some people actually move around a bit (myself included). However, the purpose of this blog is to discuss the HATERS. Those individuals (mostly women) who are highly against the empowering role. They focus on competing and back biting other women and it's like walking on hot coals for them to empower another woman. They prefer to COMPETE, and TEAR DOWN rather than EMPOWER. 

Someone once told me that women don't dress to impress men. They dress to impress other women. As competitive as men could be on the field and in the business place, I honestly believe women can be 10 times worst. We want to be the best girlfriend, the best dressed, have the best hair, the best job, make the most money, the best boyfriend etc. We want to look good and do BIG things and we want other women to see it and know it! My issue is NOT against someone wanting nice things or looking good. My issue is having a problem when someone else looks better or has better things. And if we are ALL honest with ourselves at some point, we all experience jealousy. However, a woman who is not a H.A.T.E.R usually does not experience long periods of "hating" Let's look at the signs: 

1. A woman who empowers can admit when a dress or article of clothing looks better on someone else than it does on her (e.g. either because of color, body size or just the way the woman wears it) She can admit it and still be confident in who she is. VS. a h.a.t.e.r who refuses to acknowledge that the other woman looks better and catches an attitude because of it.

2. A woman who empowers enjoys seeing other women dress up and look nice. She celebrates with her friends or other ladies in general who are dressed to the kill and compliments them either in person or a like/comment on social network VS. a H.A.T.E.R who needs to be at the center of attention at all times and does not give compliments to other women. She may or may not like a picture, but 9 times out of 10 she will observe the photos and what other people say from a distance. 

3. A woman who empowers can easily provide information of where she bought a particular article of clothing or accessory if someone asks out of interest. She is happy to give the information especially if it's for a good deal (who does not LOVE a good sale?) VS. a H.A.T.E.R who dislikes telling others where she received something to be helpful because she NEEDS to be the ONLY one wearing it, walking in it, or owning it! 

Phenomenal Ladies are women who wear the empowering role well! They enjoy seeing other women succeed and look good while doing it! They provide assistance when needed and they celebrate with others for their accomplishments and give compliments where they are due. They encourage, they support and they love. Phenomenal women speak LIFE!!!! 

If more people committed to walking in love daily this world would truly be a better place. Ladies, keep an attitude check constantly. What vibe do you give other women in person and on social networks? As women we spend so much time focusing on solving relationship problems  with the opposite sex but neglect to solve the issues with our own kind. If you respond well to other women that energy will flow in other relationships. Most men dislike the pettiness and catty behaviors that some girls breathe daily, Hating and competing with each other are the roots! 

Let's empower this week and encourage others to empower as well! #Teamempowering 