Saturday, March 23, 2013

Respecting Yourself

Self respect is very important in developing confidence and a positive attitude. The way you feel about yourself can affect the way you treat others and your interactions with them. You may think that respecting yourself is simple, yet there are many people do not give themselves enough respect. The sad truth is that, if you don’t respect yourself, you may find that other people won’t respect you either.You may also find that it is difficult to respect others when you don’t respect yourself. Respect starts with you and it is key to your personal development. Respecting yourself starts from within and it is important to have confidence in yourself. If you lack confidence that can lead to problems. Women who lack confidence are usually the ones you see doing anything for someone’s attention. Please do not confuse people like that with someone who is confident because this is usually not the case. When you are confident you start trusting in yourself and your abilities. A confident women does not need to wear revealing clothes or act a certain way to get someone’s attention because when you are truly confident it shows and respect/attention will be given.
Create a list of your strengths and positive attributes. Learning to focus on those aspects of yourself can really improve your self-esteem. You should also treat others with respect and by doing so you will develop respect for yourself. As you treat others respectfully you will also be treated respectfully. Its important to treat others with respect regardless of how they treat you, and realize that you are helping to teach them self-respect while building respect for yourself at the same time. It is helpful to surround yourself with positive people who respect themselves and others. People judge you based upon who you are around so you can’t expect for people to respect you if you are hanging around a bunch of other females who do not carry themselves in an appropriate way. By being in the presence of those who are positive and confident instead of the opposite, you will find yourself having more self-respect and positive energy. That is much healthier than being around those who are constantly putting themselves and others down. Be a leader, not a follower. Don’t let anyone try to talk you into doing or being something you are not. People often make the mistake of becoming chameleon like in order to please others. They change according to the company they keep. Do not let your own self-respect be diminished in order to conform to the wishes of others. Be yourself above all things. People will like and respect you for the person you are. Lastly, Work to improve yourself on all levels, meaning physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. If you are unhappy with any aspect of yourself work on ways to change it or accept it. No one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. Forgive yourself for past mistakes, and move forward. Always strive to be the best you can and you will earn the respect you deserve.

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