Friday, January 24, 2014

Classy always wins

Presentation is everything! Does that give us permission to judge people based on how they are dressed or carrying themselves? No. That’s not what I am saying at all. I am saying, however, that our appearance and our actions tell our story. What story are you sharing?
If a teacher wore a nurse’s uniform to the store people would assume she was a nurse and worked for a hospital or a private clinic. If they asked and she confessed that she was a teacher the next question would be, “Then why are you dressed as a nurse?”

I feel the same way when I see or hear women stating their status as queens, phenomenal ladies, professionals, mothers and wives. How are you dressed? How are you acting in public? It’s hard to hear it, chew it and swallow it, but there comes a point where we all have to self-reflect. Now you may say, “What I wear does not make or break me, it should not matter, that’s not who I am”. So then why wear it? Why do it? And perhaps you are right, but let’s face it, the first thing people notice is your outer appearance or your behavior. They are not seeing your heart.

Ladies, this is important when we deal with guys specifically. A guy will place you into a mental category immediately after meeting you based on how you are dressed and what you are doing when he meets you. If he sees you fighting, cussing and carrying on, he is not thinking, “She’ll be a great mother or wife someday.” I’ve spoken to several male friend and they all agree. They know immediately whether they want a girl to be a play-thing, girlfriend or more. This placement depends on how we carry ourselves and the boundaries we set in place from the beginning! That’s where many young women make mistakes. They don’t set boundaries and a few months later they complain to friends. “He does not respect me! He talks to me any ole’ way and does whatever he feels like!” Well sweetheart, we treat people how to treat us by what we accept, allow and the boundaries we set in place during those first few dates. If you carry yourself like a phenomenal, classy lady, you will be treated accordingly. You set the bar. Don’t let someone else set it for you. You determine how others will treat you depending on how you treat yourself. Keep your head high, your clothes flattering but still modest, and demand respect.

Let’s all do some self-reflection this week. Let’s look in our closets, in our relationships, the places we visit and reflect on our behaviors in public to ensure that the story we are sharing with others, is a story we want told.
Phenomenal ladies shine, always
