Saturday, March 23, 2013



Well, it’s Valentines Day! Regardless of how this day makes you feel, I want to encourage you today and remind you that the author and Creator of love, God loves you! At times, we get so caught up with “special days” and instead of being thankful for what we do have, we tend to focus on all the things we lack. We look at other couples and wonder, “When will it be my turn?” “I am lonely on v-day, how corny is that?” or something along those lines.
Whatever you focus on will grow. 
Whatever you don’t focus on and whatever you don’t feed will die.
So what does that mean? It means if you continue to think about all the things you lack in your life, you are bound to become miserable. News flash ladies, no man wants to be around someone who is miserable and people can sense whether you’re energy is negative, positive or just downright miserable. So, what you want to AVOID actually becomes reality because your attitude makes it difficult for a man to approach you or even feel attracted to you. If you shut down those negative thoughts when they enter your mind, continuously, eventually you will find that not only will your attitude and thoughts change, but YOUR HEART will change.
There is a season for everything. Don’t rush it. If you are single, it’s not your season to be in a relationship. It’s not your job to go and find a man, push yourself on a man dying for his company, love or attention. Your job is to prepare yourself for whoever that future guy, your future husband may be. You do this by: strengthening your relationship with God, by getting to know you and growing personally and professionally, clearing out the past lovers and emotional heartbreaks (so he won’t have to deal with it) and loving those around you who are in your life. There is so much more to life than a lover on your arm, especially if that lover is not God’s lover, God’s best for you.
I encourage you to wait patiently. Don’t settle. Love God and love yourself enough to desire the very best for you. Don’t be bitter and angry, be filled with faith, hope and love. I don’t have a valentine today either, but what I do have is far greater. I have Jesus and his love, the love he has for me, there is nothing like it. I also have such a strong love for myself. I am still a work in progress, we all are, but i love myself enough to trust God’s timing and wait. Is it easy? I’d be lying if I said it was, some days are easier than others, but I am not doing this alone. Recently I started praying for my future husband (not praying that i get one lol), just praying for his protection, guidance and heart wherever and whoever he is. I ask God to protect him and continue preparing him and me until he decides it’s time for me to meet my forever valentine. Doing this may be helpful for you as well as you also wait.
Have a fabulous day! Do something special for yourself or someone else if you feel down. Serving others is a great way of taking the focus off ourselves. If you do have a special someone to share this day with, let them know how thankful you are to have them in your life. Be blessed ladies!! Taja and I both wish all of you the best today. Wait patiently and wait in love!

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